Sunday, February 27, 2011

So close yet so far...

Sometimes, love is not just all about being in-loved. It is also about being patient and about waiting. Love is not that easy, if you do not have enough patience and you do not know how to wait, the love that you feel inside your heart is not enough.

 For the person you love and he/she is close yet so far, sometimes we can do the things that we have not done before. Sometimes it is like this. But as long as love dominates both in your heart, you can make the impossible to be possible just to be with him/her again.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What if... ?

What if love was to wish being like tunas in the same tin can ?

I didn't mean to smell like tuna :-S

Hmmm !!! Not sure I like the idea... Maybe more like sardines... My Goshhh!!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What if... ?

Un jour le long de la route,
Il se peut que tu te sentes seule,
Triste, que tu aies froid,

Presque infinie,
La mer semble immense
Alors tout te paraît si loin,
Et toi si minuscule,

Tu sens une brise sur ton visage,
Des gouttes qui perlent sur tes joues,
Une douleur qui serre ton coeur,
Alors tu regardes en toi,

Il se pourrais que tu discernes une lueur tenue,
Saisisses peut-être une très légère touche de douceur,
Quelque chose de singulier, de troublant,

Et si...

C'était tout simplement de de l'amour?

What if... ?

Sometimes, along the way
You might feel lonely,
Sad or cold.

Almost infinite,
The sea look imposing,
Everything seems so far,
Or you're just too tiny,

Feel the light breeze on your face,
The drops trickling on your cheeks,
Seek the pain crushing your heart,
And look into yourself,

You might discern a tenuous light,
Maybe grasp a slight touch of sweetness,
Something peculiar, disturbing,

What if...
It was simply love?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines

Today, February 14, 2011, hearts day or Valentines Day is one of the sweetest and happiest moment I had in my life. Despite the distance that we have with my hubby, we still managed to show how much we love each other, how much we miss each other and how much we care.

All my life, I haven't tried or feel being so much in-love and be loved like this. I am so blessed and lucky to have this guy in my life.

So this Valentines, show your love-ones how much you love them and enjoy your Valentines together. Happy Valentines!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What if... ?

What if love was an unexpected instant,
A thing that seems impossible,
A simple glance,
An improbable gesture,
Like a kiss on the hand of a girl you barely know,
Something is happening,
But already you have to go.


Et si l'amour c'était un instant inattendu,
Un truc qui semble impossible,
Un simple coup d'oeil,
Un geste improbable,
Comme un baiser sur la main d'une fille que tu connais à peine,
Quelque chose se passe,
Mais déjà tu t'en vas.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your love gives me light :)

When my life seems dark, you are the one who gives me light.

The love you provide me illuminates my way.

Giving me the courage to stay.

You are my strength, my light and my inspiration.

Without you, I don't know where I belong.

 Love could be a light

It could makes your day always bright

And love could makes you always smile

Even when your love is from a mile

 Funny love is

Especially when your situation is like this

Long distance relationship

Yet love is intact like sheep

So when you feel alone and feeling down

Just think of your lover, instead of frown

And you will see what love could be

And realized you're happy like a bee =)

What if... ?

What if love was about to find the sweetest and at the same time the chilliest sauce for you nuggets?

Would that be more simple? Not quite sure...


Et si l'amour c'était trouver la sauce en même temps la plus douce et la plus piquante pour tes nuggets?

Est-ce que ça serait plus simple? Pas sûr...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What if... ?

Et si l'amour était juste un baiser ?

Pas une simple baiser pourtant, plus un instant de douceur, un bref moment volé à la vie, quand l'Univers semble s'anéantir tout autour. 

Le navire n'a pas encore jeté l'ancre. Vos pensées sont remplies d'émotions, d'interrogations, peut-être aussi de quelques souhaits, mais étrangement d'aucun doutes, ni de peurs.

La nuit a été longue et franchement vous avez l'air plutôt crevés tous les deux, mais finalement la tempête qui a bouleversé vos vies ne semble qu'un souvenir lointain.

Tu ne peux te retenir de la regarder et quand vos lèvres se frôlent  à nouveau... tu as vraiment enfin l'impression que c'est la fin du voyage.

Et probablement le début d'un nouveau...

What if... ?

And what if love was just a kiss ?

Not a simple kiss though, more like an instant of sweetness, a brief moment stolen from the life, when the Universe is crushing all around.

The boat didn't come alongside yet. Your minds are filled with emotions and interrogations, maybe few wishes as well, strangely neither doubts nor fears.

The night has been long and frankly you're both looking pretty jiggered, but the storm that turns your lives into a mess seems to be a distant memory after all.

You can't refrain from staring at her and when your lips touch lightly again... you fell really like it's the end of a very long trip at last.

And probably the beginning of a new one...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Love, love, love...

Love, love, love... There are just a lot of definition about love. There might be various meaning of it, but for me love is just giving, understanding, being patient and showing how much you care. Not because you are expecting of something back from the person you loved, but just showing him/her what you feel within your heart.

They say love can move mountains, but for me love can make impossible things possible. That's how dynamic love is. When you start to feel that inside you, it's just so happen that no one can thwart whatever you feel inside your heart.

Being hurt, depressed, lonely and all that painful emotion is a package when you're in-love. But somehow, it could also be spices to make your love stronger and somehow could make you a tough person as well. Because sometimes, what we are thinking is that we're in-loved, only to think that we're not; making us realized that love is not about being SELFISH, MANIPULATION and OBSESSION. But love is all about loving the imperfect person perfectly :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Love Moves In Mysterious Ways

Who'd have thought this how the pieces fit
You and I shouldn't try even making sense of it
I forgot how we ever came this far,
I believe we had reasons but I don't know what they are,
So I blame it on my heart oh...

Love moves in mysterious ways
It's always so surprising
How love appears over the horizon
I love you for the rest of my days
But still it's a mystery
Of how you ever came to me
Which only proves, love moves in mysterious ways

Heaven knows, Love is just a chance we take
We make plans, but then love demands of leap of faith
So hold me close and never ever let me go
'Coz even though we think we know which way the river flows
That's not the way love goes, no..


Bridge: Like the ticking of the clock, two hearts beat as one
But I'll never understand the way it;s done, oh


Love moves in mysterious...ways.....

What if... ?

What if love was simply a wonderful smile, or a clear laughing an early morning at dawn when the boat is about to end up in a new place full of the promises of a brand-new life...

You stare at the woman who has forsaken everything...

And you can see a glint in her eyes...

An outline of happiness...

Et si l'amour c'était simplement un sourire merveilleux, ou un rire clair un matin à l'aube alors que le bateau est sur le point d'arriver dans un nouvel endroit rempli des promesses d'une toute nouvelle vie...

Tu regardes la femme qui a tout abandonné...

Et tu peux voir dans ses yeux...

Une ébauche de bonheur...